Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Julie the Magnificient--AKA Shnookums--The First Official Gun Girl!

This is Julie, firing her personal side arm, and H&K 9mm.  But least you think she's just a one gun gal, here's another pic, showing ALL the guns she shot that day:

And in keeping with the Name of this blog there were Growlers--a total of six on the trip, I believe, one from Minnesota, the others from Louisville.  All the beer was excellent, but since we didn't know this blog would exist, we didn't keep notes on the goodness there of! 

Stay tuned Boys and Girls--this blog will get better, with posts of the guns we shoot, the girls who shoot them, the growlers (or sometimes bottles, we're not purists) of beer we drink, and even music.

Speaking of music, just to be odd, here's a song about Atilla the Hun!

Have good one, aim with the dominant eye, and drink craft brew!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wasn't trained to aim with my "dominant" eye, but with BOTH eyes, because closing one means one is not open to what's on the peripheral. A major challenge for me, as I was born with a lazy eye. But I qualified in Skills and on the Job by shooting with both eyes wide open.... a bona fide miracle, considering the doctors told my Mom I would never even be able to stack blocks. ;-) Proved 'im wrong, I did! ;-)

    Oh, and this last weekend? Both eyes open.

    Jus' sayin'. ;-)
